Storytelling with Purpose

The time is upon us to wave goodbye to cookie cutter office decor and stale bullet point presentations. As technology advances, the way we meet and interact is constantly transforming. Society is beginning to gain a better understanding of how to communicate for optimum retention and productivity. We as a humanity live and learn off of storytelling, just as our … Read More

Making your Business Stand Out

-Standing out among the masses- Just as in personal life, standing out as a business can be difficult. Businesses need a balance of great customer service and creating a need for what you are selling, tangible or not. What are the proper business tacts to make your business shine? CUSTOMER SERVICE IN PRACTICE Customer service is to business as “location, … Read More

A Recipe for Unconventional Success

A Balance of Success and Value Finding your value in this world can be difficult. If you are lucky enough to find your passion and make a living out of it, then you face a deeper position. How do you create a successful business model while also keeping your values and integrities in tact? Cultural norms would have that we … Read More

Blending Meeting & Experience

Blending Meeting & Experience Meetings are known to have a notion of monotony that accompanies them. It’s safe to say that the world is sick of tacky carpet conference rooms and chairs that make your teams near end numb. Despite old traditions, many companies and corporations are no longer standing for the monotony of bland corporate meeting spaces. We are … Read More

Inspiration Mapped Out

Staying creative and inspired this winter Inspiration and creativity have an easy way of lying dormant during the frigid winter months. Sometimes just putting on your parka and walking out the door can be enough of an accomplishment in the harsh reality that are midwestern winters. So this poses the question- How can we stay creative when the dream of … Read More

When is failure a good thing?

It is usually written on a poster of inspiring scenery or something depicting triumph in the face of strong odds. It can take the form of a mountain climber at the summit or a tired and ragged athlete shedding tears of joy over a championship trophy. It is most often found in a cheap black frame hanging in the office … Read More