When a brainstorming meeting hits a dead end, people tend to sigh and say they wish that they were more creative. They attribute their shortcomings to the way their brains function and think it’s something they cannot change. The answer to this problem, however, is not to fault the brain. People simply take the wrong approach to creativity. It may … Read More
Good Failure (Part 2): Fast & Flexible
If you think simply learning from your failures will lead to success, you are wrong. “Wait just a minute,” you might say. “Grandpa Wilbur’s axioms of life never steered me wrong when I lost the little league game while trying to catch a fly ball with my face.” We all remember when someone picked us up when were down by … Read More
Blankets & Telescopes
Have you ever stared up into the night sky and let your mind wonder “what if….”? When I was in college, I explored several academic disciplines beyond my major in public policy. One of those subjects that drew me in quickly was astronomy. I became fascinated by the vast openness of the universe. More importantly, my other studies were focused … Read More
A long time ago, in a space far, far away….
Like many boys who grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s, I went to the theater this holiday season to recapture a glimpse of my childhood through the new Star Wars movie. It was a chance to pretend for at least one night that I still lived in a world where light sabers fashioned out of flashlights were the ingredients … Read More