When a brainstorming meeting hits a dead end, people tend to sigh and say they wish that they were more creative. They attribute their shortcomings to the way their brains function and think it’s something they cannot change. The answer to this problem, however, is not to fault the brain. People simply take the wrong approach to creativity. It may … Read More
Meeting Break Ideas
Do you ever hit a point on a project where you are completely stumped? Where it seems as if every path leads to a dead end? I definitely know the feeling! In times like those, I often feel much more productive when I leave the project for a moment, and then come back at it with fresh eyes. During these … Read More
Metaphors, Lessons, & Paddle Boards
Six years ago, I stood up on a ten foot board of fiberglass and immediately fell into the ocean as a giant (three inches high) wave toppled me over. I was hooked. Paddle boarding quickly became one of my favorite past times even after I learned to stay upright. I have always loved the water, but when I discovered stand … Read More
Good Failure (Part 3): Making Failure Fun
We can all relate to a certain “F” word that often accompanies failure. I am certain the word “fun” was not the first word that came to your mind. As I discussed in my first post in this 3-part series on failure, we as humans are hard-wired to avoid mistakes. Our self-preservation programming is set to avoid unnecessary risk. This … Read More
Blankets & Telescopes
Have you ever stared up into the night sky and let your mind wonder “what if….”? When I was in college, I explored several academic disciplines beyond my major in public policy. One of those subjects that drew me in quickly was astronomy. I became fascinated by the vast openness of the universe. More importantly, my other studies were focused … Read More
Focus & Just Say No!
The recent death of Nancy Reagan caused me to reflect on three of her most famous words, “Just Say No”. As any child of the 1980’s will remember, these were the words Nancy Reagan told us to remember in an effort to stem the drug epidemic sweeping the country. As I reflect back, however, the First Lady’s words may have … Read More
Creative Spaces are a “Beach” to Find
At Think Space, we spend a lot of time thinking about how to create the best environment for meetings and retreats so that our clients are inspired to think differently, gain new perspectives, and create new ideas. After people have a great meeting at Think Space, I often get asked, “How do I change my personal environment to inspire creative … Read More
Where Did the Idea Come From?
As my toes began to thaw and the feeling came rushing back to my fingers, I looked across my dimly lit but warm ice fishing shanty and saw my new toy: an ice auger powered by my electric drill. Immediately, I began to wonder “where did the idea come from?” It is a simple idea that will no doubt “sell … Read More
A long time ago, in a space far, far away….
Like many boys who grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s, I went to the theater this holiday season to recapture a glimpse of my childhood through the new Star Wars movie. It was a chance to pretend for at least one night that I still lived in a world where light sabers fashioned out of flashlights were the ingredients … Read More