A long time ago, in a space far, far away….

Like many boys who grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s, I went to the theater this holiday season to recapture a glimpse of my childhood through the new Star Wars movie. It was a chance to pretend for at least one night that I still lived in a world where light sabers fashioned out of flashlights were the ingredients … Read More

Don’t Stick to the Script

Sticking to the script may make average actors into award winning thespians when the words of Aaron Sorkin map out an amazing screenplay for them.  However, if you are the leader of a startup, a large company, or any organization seeking to chart new territory, you know that the ability to course correct quickly is the key to success. I … Read More

Designed for you

There is a fundamental principle of design that is often heralded as the pillar of modern innovators but is just as often forgotten by many who create the things that make up our everyday environment. The idea is simple. Design is more than just the way something looks or feels. It is also the way in which we experience or … Read More